About us

AM Pictures is a vibrant commercial film production house based in Hilversum, the media heart of the Netherlands. Established in 2012, we have carved a niche for ourselves in the dynamic world of filmmaking, specializing in the production of romantic comedies and heartwarming children’s movies.

We understand the evolving landscape of entertainment consumption. AM Pictures strategically distributes its films through both traditional cinema releases and leading streaming services. This dual approach allows us to reach a wide audience, providing flexibility for viewers to enjoy our films in the comfort of their homes or experience the magic of the big screen.

Romantic Comedies:

We are renowned for crafting heartwarming and humorous romantic comedies that explore the complexities of love and relationships. From quirky characters to witty dialogue, we bring love stories to life in a way that resonates with audiences of all ages.

Children’s Movies:

We are committed to creating enchanting and family-friendly children’s movies that transport young viewers to imaginative worlds filled with wonder and excitement. Our team is dedicated to fostering creativity, delivering positive messages, and providing wholesome entertainment for the entire family.

Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion:

AM Pictures embraces diversity and inclusion, both on and off-screen. We believe in representing a wide range of perspectives and experiences in our films, ensuring that our stories reflect the richness of the human experience.

About Me

Theresa Jordan

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AM Pictures BV

Oude Enghweg 16
1217 JC Hilversum
The Netherlands


+(31) 6 41 74 91 95

All Right Reserved 2023 AM Pictures B.V.Â